How To Get Story Ideas For Writing Horror

It can be challenging trying to come up with new ideas for horror stories. So you think you've heard it all-the really scary ghost stories. At other times, it appears as a scary-looking woman. Stephanie's dad is quite friendly with the night-shift security guards at the warehouse, who would often relay stories to him of strange phenomena, such as flickering lights and mysterious loud, banging noises.

Yes, we've all seen the film - but, once again, the horror movie was based on real life events. A haunted house or a haunted place could be best used for a dark story. A lot of bad shit went down in my family at that period of time in my life, and my mother, a heavily religious lady, said there was a lot of "evil" in our lives at that time.

Every time I walked past my bathroom door (which was constantly since it was right outside my bedroom) I saw a little girl with blond curled hair and a rose-colored dress. And whether you listen alone in the dead of night or in the middle of a sunny day, you'll be forever haunted by its gallery of specters eager to feed on your darkest dread.

The web is a plethora of all things creepy, so if you dig deep enough, you'll never true stories run out of horror stories to haunt your ever-waking hour. The manor house is still said to be haunted at midnight on New Years Eve by the son of the family who acquired the farm.

As with our other reader polls, this isn't meant to be a ranked or comprehensive list — there are a few books you won't see on it despite their popularity — some didn't stand the test of time, some just didn't catch our readers' interest, and in some cases our judges would prefer you see the movie instead (So no Jaws, sorry.) And there are a few titles that aren't strictly horror, but at least have a toe in the dark water, or are commenting about horrific things, so our judges felt they deserved a place on the list.

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